"L'Intelligenza Emotiva al servizio del Benessere della Persona e dell'Azienda"


This study investigated the relationship between emotional intelligence and stress coping style in a group of 265 students, using Goleman’s Theory of Emotional Intelligence. Findings indicated highest mean value of emotional intelligence for motivation and empathy. Majority students showed active problem and emotional coping behavior; however, a strong, positive correlation between emotional intelligence and stress coping style was found for the domains associated with Active Emotional and Problem Coping (α ⩽ 0.05). It revealed that students are efficient in utilizing stress coping strategies and recommended that professors should provide guidance to students regarding emotional intelligence and stress coping styles.

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Fteiha M, Awwad N. Emotional intelligence and its relationship with stress coping style. Health Psychol Open. 2020 Nov 6;7(2):2055102920970416. doi: 10.1177/2055102920970416. PMID: 33224513; PMCID: PMC7656878.

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